Wednesday 3 December 2008

Age Concern Ross-on-Wye and District is organising two fund-raising events in January. They are also “fun-raising” events related to the “Robert Burns Season” in late January. The aim is to involve all in the Ross and District community.

Today’s announcement is so that people can reserve the dates in their new diaries and calendars.

There will be a Burns Supper at the Ryefield Centre on Saturday 31st January – 7 for 7.30 pm. Ticket prices are £8 for adults and £4 for children of 15 and under. The haggis will be stabbed in time-honoured tradition involving the Burns poem “Address to a Haggis”. However, on this occasion, the haggis gives “A Philosophical Reply”. Bring your own drink (squash etc available) on the night.

At the Larruperz Centre on Friday 23rd January there is to be a “Sit-down Ceildh and Burns Nicht in the Afternoon” starting at 3pm and ending at 4.30. Tickets are £3 and those bought at least the day before guarantee a taste of haggis, tatties and neeps. The timing gives a chance for our senior citizens to return home before tea-time and the event is open to all ages. As there is to be an evening performance of the Eccentricity Youth Show, there will be 250 seats available so tell your friends!

Tickets for both events are available from the Shop Mobility/Book-Swap Shop near the bus station in Cantilupe Road, and the Age Concern Office (0930 – 1230) next to Cornwalls Butcher in Broad Street. The Larruperz Centre only sells the Ceilidh tickets.. To find out more and/or to book tickets by phone, please contact Age Concern – 01989 763887 between 0930 and 1230 Monday to Friday.

Tell your friends about the two events by emailing the address in your browser or this link which is better:

In conversation, you can say that they can enter

age concern ross burns supper

into the Google box and click the Web pages link not the UK pages.

It all helps to spread the word.